Wills & Your Relationship Status

Married couples
Never assume that because you are married or in a civil partnership that all of your estate will automatically pass to your spouse or partner.
In order to ensure that your estate passes to exactly the people who you wish it to, you must write a will. Otherwise the law of intestacy will apply, which could bring in other beneficiaries such as parents, children, brothers and sisters.
If you or your partner have been married before there may be children from a previous marriage or current joint children that need to be considered separately, and special provisions included for their protection. Otherwise it is simple for any surviving spouse to change their will following your death which may disinherit children of yours from a previous relationship, or indeed favour children from a future relationship.
In your will you can also name those who you wish to be guardians of any children of yours who are still under 18 at the date of your death. Otherwise this very important decision could end up being made by the courts.
If you are cohabiting without a will your position could be very unstable.
If one member of the partnership were to die without a will, the other partner may well receive nothing under the law of intestacy.
You must also remember that everything above the tax free bands (nil rate band – £325,000 and residence nil rate band – £175,000) is taxable at 40 per cent. whereas married couples enjoy a complete tax exemption on the first death and then the benefit of two tax free bands (could amount to £1,000,000 if utilising both the basic nil rate band and the residence nil rate band) on the second death. In these cases, there are ways of drafting a will which can protect both tax free bands so that all exemptions can be utilised on the second death.
If you have joint children, the mother in her will should name the father as guardian in the first instance as he may not have automatic “parental responsibility”, which could mean an application to court becomes necessary for guardianship of his own children.
Similarly to married couples, if there are children from a previous relationship, they need to be protected with a will, just as the children from the current relationship need protection.
Single people
Even if you are single, the only way to ensure that your assets pass to those who you want them to, is with a will.
Having a will also makes estate administration more straightforward at a time which is naturally difficult for those you leave behind.

“Westcott Wills have provided me and my husband with an excellent service. Extremely professional, but approachable – we received very practical and pragmatic advice and our very specific requirements were catered for with confidence. We have been impressed by the personable but professional service we have received and the efficient manner in which our wills were produced. I would not hesitate to recommend Westcott Wills to anyone looking for an excellent will writing service at fantastic prices.”